David Barckhoff's Lounge Discussions

Ian Anderson
Not Answering Questions On Set A Good Thing?

What's up Stage32 I'm back with another interesting question. So I was an assistant director for one of those short film/ music video films. We were shooting in a restaurant/ bar at night. Some of our extras didn't show up so we just all got drinks and just started talking to people. We got about 80...

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Ernie Lijoi Sr.

Being rude is never acceptable unless called for specifically...All that needs to be said is that any questions will be answered after the shoot is completed....and that should be stated up front to all involved before he starts shooting. That's just common sense....

Kim Wozniak

I will take a different stance to the above topic. Directors can be rude, but one thing an A.D. should be aware of is that if an extra gets any kind of "direction" from a director they can then put in...

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JD Hartman

@Kim Wozniak True on a union shoot. Doesn't sound applicable to the shoot described in start of this topic. Seems the AD failed by not telling the extras they shanghai'ed what they were going to be doing, how long it was going to take, etc.

Stephen Olson

I guess that is why there are ADs.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

If you're an AD then how did you even think to let background bother the director??? Your job is to manage set but the POINT to that is so that the team can do their work as efficient as possible and...

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