Mark Morris's Lounge Discussions

Shirley Giggacher
Looking for an online TV Pilot script writing course.

Hello All, I am wondering if anyone could recommend a good solid 'TV Pilot' script writing course? It would need to be online and not too long. I have done a generalist 10 week script writing course with Gotham Writers in the past but I wanted something a little more up to date and more specific thi...

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Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Shirley Giggacher. I second everyone's comments. I'm sure you'll find a great TV writing course on here.

Molly Peck

Hi Shirley, I'd like to recommend this one:

We also have plenty more if you'd li...

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Mark Morris

I highly recommend Hal Croasmun at

Shirley Giggacher

A big thank-you to everyone for your great tips and advice. Looking through all the links now and there is a lot to be excited about.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Shirley Giggacher. Happy Holidays and have a great 2023!

Anthony Silverwood
Script feedback, please and thank you.

Hey guys. I have been off the grid for awhile, working on two of the five scripts I have posted here that I think might have a snowball's chance. I have received dynamite advice from some awesome brains in the past in this particular lounge. I have attached updated PDF's of these two, and I welcome...

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Diane Sutherland

Anthony, I would like to read your scripts, or at least part of them, but I don't know how to find them. If you can explain, I will gladly give you my two-bits worth.

Anthony Silverwood

Thank you for the interest Diane. If you paste the address

into your browser, this should take you to my loglines page. Beneath each logline i...

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Mark Morris

Hey, Tony. I read the first 30 pages of "Blue Wire." A few notes - first I feel like swearing like a Your dialog is authentic, clever, brutal. Great job there.

Description is pretty dense all...

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Anthony Silverwood

Thanks MARK and DIANE, for just the kind of info I need to get this script to the place it needs to be. And Mark, as for the two heroes being stoners in Blue Wire: There's a hook later for this. The d...

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Mark Morris
Should a TV pilot reveal MUCH or LITTLE about the series?

Hey all!

I welcome your reactions to this concept.

SKYFIRE, a novel published years ago, was ahead of its time. Now our TV adaptation speaks directly to our age of extreme climate.

Navy scientists are hunted by a sentient lightning storm for burning a hole in the atmosphere. The last survivor must outw...

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David Whelan

In my opinion, little. Provide a glimpse of the story but not much. Dangle a carrot so viewers want to watch a follow up episode and series to find out more.

Mark Morris

That's pretty much what "Stranger Things" does. Dole out helpings of intrigue that lead you down a trail that you want to follow.

Mark Morris
Lifelong Freelancer - With never a real job.

I grew up reading 20th-Century Fox classic scripts that my grandfather worked on as a script technical writer - Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Suez, Stanley & Livingston, Little Princess, Wee Willie Winkie...

My next door neighbor was the first art director in Hollywood, Ben Carre, whose credits inc...

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Cali Gilbert

Welcome Mark! All the best with your projects!

Mike Miller

Hi Mark

Imo Wimana Chadband
Top Hollywood Management Companies Looking For New Writers

A while back in a post made here, one member shared a document consisting of a list he was sent, of managers and management companies who are worth submitting queries to. 

He received read requests  upon emailing these contacts, so it seems there is some merit to the list. Furthermore, the list was c...

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Imo Wimana Chadband

Hey bro Johnny Orriola I shared the document via my google drive instead, as it seems the link really doesn't work anymore. Try it again, you should have no issues now. Let me know if you got through....

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Mark Morris

That's a fabulous list!...maybe. I mean thank you so much for posting that kind of valuable info. That could make the difference in gaining an entre with a script. To actually reach some of the gateke...

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Johnny Orriola

Good looking out Imo Wimana Chadband! I got it.

Imo Wimana Chadband

You're most welcome guys! Mark Morris sometimes it's just finding the right place that fits your film. Your script is an original idea, but budget and genre comes into play as well. So you can do a bi...

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Mark Morris

Thanks for the encouraging words. I am querying the list.

Mark Morris
Producers/Prod. Companies into Sci-Fi TV?

SKYFIRE, a novel published years ago, was ahead of its time. Now our TV adaptation speaks directly to our age of extreme climate.

Navy scientists are hunted by a sentient lightning storm for burning a hole in the atmosphere. The last survivor must outwit Mother Nature to save himself, and uncover the...

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Jason Mirch
Optioning Material

Hi Producers! Who here has optioned material in the past? If so, what have you optioned and what have you developed out of the material? Love to hear some success stories, some projects that didn't pan out (and why), and even some stories that are still in the works!

For my part, I optioned a New Yo...

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Tony S.

Google Translate: I have a scenario where women can sell you on the humiliation. This is my graduate project.

Mark Morris

I optioned a Sci-Fi novel "Sigmet Active" from the author and have teamed with a talented new writer to co-write the pilot for a series called "SkyFire." The logline is up on Stage 32. I have been on...

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Dan MaxXx

What do Producers here pay for options? Ballpark figures?

Doug Nelson

Dan M; ballpark figures today range from $0 to $1.

Mark Morris

In my case, my author has written half a dozen novels and I felt that a no-money option was a little demeaning, or that I wasn't really serious. So I paid $200 upon signing a one-year option, and $1300 payable at the end of the year --if I continued the option. Which I did.

Michael Patrick Ford
Seeking 'Television' Entertainment Lawyer

Can anyone recommend an Entertainment Lawyer or Firm with Television & Syndication experience? Thank You!

Mark Morris - Brandon Blake is part in our Stage 32 community.

Richard Buzzell
Pitching the streamers

I'm wondering if any producers here have had any experience pitching to the big streaming platforms (Netflix etc.) If so, would you have any advice on how to best target this market?

Mark Morris

Derek Reid that is the most useful comment that could have been made. RB says it all.

Pete Whiting
Day in the life of producer/agent

to all you producers and agents out there - help me to understand your world better please.

What does a typical day involve for you? I mean do you get to your desk and there is literally a tray of scripts to read? How did they get to you? Do you read in morning when you are fresh? do you then take...

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Doug Nelson

Kay's correct in that there are all sorts of Producers runnin' around out there so your question really needs to be a bit more specific. As an example, I am retired so I have the time & interest. I've...

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Dan MaxXx

Ask this question to Bradley Gallo. He does a monthly vlog on Stage 32.

Pete Whiting

Thanks for all the comments guys. Good stuff.

Mark Morris

Pete, I think your questions are perfect! they are specific and to the point. Kay didn't want to answer your specific questions, so blazed off on tangents. Would have been more helpful if he applied y...

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Gilbert Cartier

the gist of what I go from all of this, is to find a producer with an interest to your script who can then hopefully get it off the ground into production. Is that correct! Or do you send script submissions to a Production company to the attn of a producer. !!

Jouet Dotson
Best Camera for Shooting Reality TV

Hello fellow filmmakers ...i would like your opinios on the best camera for shooting reality TV

Royce Allen Dudley

Most reality shows use a ton of gear in different formats, from GoPro to handy cams to full ENG style cameras to cine-style rigged cameras, all for different applications. 8 to 10 cameras would be con...

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Michael Giordano

I am in the same boat as you. I was told that Netflix won't accept anything less than 4k. So, should we all be thinking 4K if we ever want to submit this type of work for consideration even if its not...

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Andrew Sobkovich

Different exhibitors have different Production and Post-Production requirements. Yes, Netflix is 4K. But not just any 4K. These are their requirements.

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Michael Giordano

Of course its always best to start high and be able to downgrade from there. No argument from me.

Mark Vadik

I really like the Panasonic DVX 200

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