It would be great to put together a Baltimore area meetup considering the wide range go talent available in Charm City...I would be happy to pull it together if there is interest.
It would be great to put together a Baltimore area meetup considering the wide range go talent available in Charm City...I would be happy to pull it together if there is interest.
Any movement on this meeting? I'd be interested in setting one up if enough people are interested.
Hope would definitely love to attend. Is anything still going to happen?
I'm in Virginia, but I work in the B'More market. This would be a great way to build a partnership. I am in the market for an Agent.
So I suggested a Baltimore area meet-up a while ago and it's I time I follow up for the people that have expressed an interest..Will do so asap
Hey Peter! It's been a while... keep me posted on a B'more meet-up, would love to catch up and meet some folks. Cheers!