Hey all,
My name is Samantha McInnes but please call me Sam.
First and foremost I am a writer, you can check out my website Sam and M.E below. It's a funny, honest and sometimes heart breaking account of living with a long term health condition. I believe that laughter is the key to happiness so most of my writing includes odd, humorous stories about everyday events. The website gets thousands of hits every month and is visited from people around the world.
Through my website I have also wrote and starred in two VBlogs; Lights, CaMEera, Action and The Sequel. They have been produced and directed by Black Circle films.
I like to laugh, I like to make people laugh and I like to put down the random ramblings in my mind on paper.
Recently ventured into the world of Stand-Up Comedy.
Oh and I have been known to do some acting.
Olympic Torch Bearer
University of Glasgow