We are excited to announce that THE BOOK CLUB will be part of the virtual We Make Movies International Film Festival! Our film will be screened in Block #5 on
Thursday, September 17, 2020 at 5 PM PDT – 7 PM PDT
The list of films Screening in Block 5 are:
"Mercredi's Monde - Ep. 1," "Memory Lane," "THE BOOK CLUB," "The End - Ep. 1," "Pass," "The Fountain Pen," "Stay Green," and "Questions?"
To see the trailer for Block 5 (THE BOOK CLUB) and get more information, please visit https://www.facebook.com/events/2731478697107590/?active_tab=discussion
You can watch Block 5 on any of these links:
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/wemakemovies
YOUTUBE LIVE: https://www.youtube.com/user/WMMoriginals
Hosted by We Make Movies International Film Festival
All screenings are free to the public, but if you can afford it, please consider a donation to help us continue to showcase and support the work of DIY filmmakers. Suggested donation is $15 -- but any donation is appreciated, and a beautiful thing. Thank you for being a champion of independent film!