We produced a full animation music video for Yulu Toys this is a Behind the scene making of the Music Video this project was a produced completely in house concept to completion Merchant 8187203250 www.mobilemotionmocap.com https://youtu.be/tTz7W-vh5Ys
Day 2 test of PUBG Test 611 N Orchard Dr. Burbank Ca 91506 8187203250 #livebroadcast #3danimation #greenscreen #livetv #filmproduction #film #broadcasting #studio #vfx #animation #media #production #virtualreality #vr #contentmarketing #creative #augmentedreality #esports #ar #gamedevelopment #gaming #unity #shooting #3d #technology #liveinteractivear #qualisys #livearavatar #zerodensity #augmentedreality4d #augmentedreality4d #liveavatar #performancecapture #gaminggameloft #contentpstrategy #pixotope #rokoko #faceware #interactiveentertainmen
We did a Motion capture test with one of the Pubg assets and here it is #mobilemotionmocap #zerodensity #greenscreen #mo-sys #unreal #virtualproduction #rokoko #faceware #motioncapture #Qualisys #animation #3danimation #blackmagic #performancecapture #avatar #hologram #liveinteractivear #liveavatar #ar #vr #liveARavatar #greenscreen #gaming #livebroadcast #livetv #interactiveentertainment #livestreaming #esports #gamers #augmentedreality #virtualreality
Day 2 of the open house with live Motion capture demo in Pixotope with Optical Motion capture system our Open House demo for Qualisys Optical motion capture system and pipeline and workflow into Unreal, Unity and Motion Builder. 611 N Orchard Dr. Burbank Ca 91506 8187203250 #livebroadcast #3danimation #greenscreen #livetv #filmproduction #film #broadcasting #studio #vfx #animation #media #production #virtualreality #vr #contentmarketing #creative #augmentedreality #esports #branding...
We Produced a Live AR project for the Ardy’s over the weekend www.mobilemotionmocap.com 8187203250 #mobilemotionmocap #zerodensity #greenscreen #mo-sys #unreal #unity#virtualproduction #rokoko #faceware #cubix #motioncapture #Qualisys#Cartoni #animation #3danimation #blackmagic #performancecapture#avatar #hologram #liveinteractivear #liveavatar #ar #vr #liveARavatar#greenscreen...
We Produced a Live AR project for the Ardy’s over the weekend www.mobilemotionmocap.com 8187203250 #mobilemotionmocap #zerodensity #greenscreen #mo-sys #unreal #unity#virtualproduction #rokoko #faceware #cubix #motioncapture #Qualisys#Cartoni #animation #3danimation #blackmagic #performancecapture#avatar #hologram #liveinteractivear #liveavatar #ar #vr #liveARavatar#greenscreen...
We wanted to show the process from capture to data to final render in Unity on the Character. For inquiries ( www.mobilemotionmocap.com) 8187203250
Worked on live Karate Competition with Karate.com had Danny Trejo as the master of ceremony and Martin and friends attended In LA at the Avalon #Karate #live...
We wanted to show the process from capture to data to final render in Unity. For inquiries ( www.mobilemotionmocap.com) 8187203250 #rendering #characters #unity3d #qualisys #motioncapture #toonrender #animation #augmentedreality #virtualreality #virtualproduction
Dance motion capture test rendered in Unity Game eng., Raw data applied and rendered to a Model www.mobilemotionmocp.com 8187203250