Jeff Pham's Lounge Discussions

Kristy Ellington
Feedback on a short script?

Hey all, apologies if this is posted somewhere and I missed it but is there a good place to post a short script to get feedback from the collective? I’ve revised this sucker a number of times but need some outside brains and eyeballs. Thanks in advance!

Kristy Ellington

Thank you, Jeff! I have been using Highland 2 and it seems to tweak formatting sometimes, but that’s no excuse for me not catching it and fixing before sending out. Appreciate the notes and feedback!

Angel Contreras

Great Script Kristy! I really enjoyed the story and I thought your pacing was really well done. The only suggestion would be getting rid of CUT TO. Going to the next scene heading let's us know we have cut.

Doug Nelson

Kristy, I told you I'd get back to you after I had a chance to read it - I've read it. It's a truly wonderful story based on a solid premis. Now all you gotta do is rewrite it TIGHT and in an industry...

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Kristy Ellington

I appreciate it, Doug! Thank you for your time and I’d love further insight if you are willing to share.

Jeff Pham

Hey Kristy I just read your script. I'm actually learning how to hone screenplays as well. If you like we could facetime and give you any feedback possible. Also I can read it outloud to you so you can hear how your script is like from another persons voice.

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