Martin Sofiedal's Reel

Martin Sofiedal DIRECTOR SHOWREEL 2016

A compilation of my latest work.

Instapocalypse (A WALKING DEAD / INSTAGRAM Sketch)

How Instagram created the zombie apocalypse!

The Wrong Guy (a short dark comedy)

Colin is in a hurry to get to an important audition, but his daytime profession as a hitman makes it more difficult than planned. A short film shot by Mormon Rocks outside of LA, starring Steven Gridley and Samuel David. Shot by Drew Shankweiler. Camera: Blackmagic Cinema Camera Lense: 24-70mm Canon L-Series

LHL "Warning lamp" commercial

Wrote the script and directed this fun and important film for LHL (National Association for Heart and Lung). Produced by Go!Electra. Agency: Burson-Marsteller

Deloitte Norway - 100 years (Anniversary film)

Deliotte Norway has a long history, which started with the founder Jacob Von Tangen Kielland. This is his story, told in a visually unique and cinematic way. Deloitte Norge har en lang historie, som begynte med grunnleggeren Jacob Von Tangen Kielland. Dette er hans historie fortalt på en visuelt unik og filmatisk måte. Regi: Martin Sofiedal Foto: Drew Shankweiler Produsert av Go!Electra

Selfie Standoff (a hitman comedy)

Selfies are here to stay, and seem to be more important than anything else, as these two hitmen will soon learn. A short I made while staying in LA for a month in 2015, featuring the talented Maxx Hennard and Samuel David. Shot on the Blackmagic Cinema Camera, on a 24-70mm Canon L-series lense.

Nomiz presents 'Stratosphere vs Linear' (Music Teaser)

This is a music teaser video for the LA-based EDM artist Nomiz and his two new tracks "Stratosphere" and "Linear". Two masked strangers meet in the desert for a dance-off, they each dance to their own track and only the winner gets to leave. This project came together after a chance encounter during my two month stay in LA in 2014. Filmed with a Canon 5D, a Canon L-Series 24-70mm lense and a Rhinorig. Credits: Director: Martin Sofiedal Dancers: Vivaswan Tejas Shetty & Kim Cardiel DOP:...

Uncharted: Ambushed (LIVE ACTION FAN FILM)

This a norwegian/danish shortfilm based on the very first cutscene in the Playstation game Uncharted: Drake's fortune. We worked very hard on this and we are very proud of the result, and we hope fellow Uncharted fans will like as much as we did making it. Enjoy! PS: You can watch the original cutscene from the game here for comparison:

Tom Hugo - Nothing But the Best

A music video I directed, filmed and edited for the norwegian artist Tom Hugo. Filmed with my Blackmagic Cinema Camera and alternating between Sigma 50mm and Sigma 10-20mm lenses. Enjoy!

Mercedes Benz - Helt Sjef

MERCEDES-BENZ "Helt sjef" (English title: "Like a boss") Funny commercial for the new Mercedes-Benz V-class van.

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