Hi there! My name is Daniel Buhr and iam a ambition and serious composer living in Sweden,and who want establish a network with people in the film/media business all around the world. For the last year I have try to establish connection and tried to write as much music as possible to learn and devel...
Expand postHi there! My name is Daniel Buhr and iam a ambition and serious composer living in Sweden,and who want establish a network with people in the film/media business all around the world. For the last year I have try to establish connection and tried to write as much music as possible to learn and develop my music in any types of film and genre's .... So if you are in need of my service please feel free to give me a call or drop me a email for further contact. I could write music for your feature film,short,documentary,information film,commercial and other costume write songs. Please visit my website for more information and listen to some works that I've done. I really hope we get in touch and work together sometime,otherwise i wish you luck with all your project and thank your taking the time and read this. Sincerely , db-Music Daniel Buhr www.danielbuhr.net +46736412825 dbcompositor@gmail.com Skype: danielcompositor
Got 15-seconds? We have organized a Film Festival with the lowest possible barriers to participation. You might find it fun to enter or perhaps help us spread the word. Very easy to enter; strictly non-profit. No fees or stuffy rules. $16,000 of prizes. http://ffsecff.wix.com/1 Lowell...
Expand postGot 15-seconds? We have organized a Film Festival with the lowest possible barriers to participation. You might find it fun to enter or perhaps help us spread the word. Very easy to enter; strictly non-profit. No fees or stuffy rules. $16,000 of prizes. http://ffsecff.wix.com/1 Lowell
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