Barry Clifton's Lounge Discussions

James Drago
Thoughts on Method Acting?

I was script supervising on set this weekend and witnessed something I had never seen before. One of the actors is a method actor. Before and after auditions he stayed in character, so the director knew he would have to navigate this. But on day one of the shoot, he came to the set late and held up...

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Richard "RB" Botto

Very funny Deanna Carlyle !

Daniel Flint

I call BS. And 'being talented' shouldn't be an excuse for acting badly. Be a METHOD producer and tell him that his PAY will be cut, but it shouldn't bother the CHARACTER, because it's not his money.

Monique Amado

As an actor (and recently first time director), all I can say is I sense ego at play. Being in character is great, professionalism is just as important. Inconveniencing the whole cast and crew and then calling it method acting is more about ego than craft.

James Drago

Your point about professionalism is what had the crew steaming Monique Amado. Everyone was there on time, working for the love of the project.

Jason Raymaker

There is a difference between fantasy land and reality. Unfortunately, some actors don't know how to distinguish between the two. Sure maybe his character would be late, but that personality needs to be kept in his performance.

Shauna Jane
Finding a Monologue

Hey everyone, As a drama student in college I am starting to look for monologues that I could use for university. I understand that the monologue has to be right for me. But I can't seem to find any. I was wondering if there was a playwrite that people could suggest that may be interesting and diffe...

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JD Hartman

A monologue can come from a favorite movie/movie character you identify with. Most scripts can be found online.

Shauna Jane

I never thought of movies, thank you.

Joseph Wade

I know this is probably way too late to help in any way, but I thought I'd offer my two cents anyway. Some of the best and most naturalistic monologues I've experienced in film are in the 'Before' Tri...

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Barry Clifton

I recently discovered that I could download English subtitles for almost any film for free. They are usually in srt format that can be opened with Notepad and will appear as simple text. I can then copy and edit as needed to put together a monologue.

Sean Hastings
Hey All!

Living through the process of navigating the craft side, but now more than ever, a huge emphasis on every artist having to be as equally, or aware enough to hire others, to be business savvy in marketability, insights, professionalism and self-preservation/promotion. Trusting that forming a communit...

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Darren Udaiyan


Kelly Krause

Welcome, Sean! And great points! ; ) I'm a fledgling screenwriter myself... Hope we can learn and grow together!

Barry Clifton

Screenwriters, actors, directors, etc. in direct contact with one another. Collaborating and networking without artificial intermediaries. Imagine the possibilities.

Arial Burnz


William Tut Brown

Hey check out my new film at please support and share on your network.'s+bridge

Introductory Post

Hi everyone! Glad to be a part of Stage32. I had some very exciting news today regarding a film I'm working on, "Chop". Natalie Canerday has accepted the role of my "wife". Very excited to work with her!

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James Drago

Collaboration is grand, isn't it?

Barry Clifton

Actors need actors.

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