Mark OLeal: Producer in Portland, Oregon.

Mark OLeal

long time....lets meetup...503.740.4852

Dani H. Torrado

"Virtual” An impressive and frightening film about the future of virtual reality. Hello After much work I just throw the kickstarter for my science fiction movie about video games, We are looking for strategic support for film production Please I need your support, can you share the project on your...

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Tom Stohlgren

Hi Mark, Thanks for connecting. I'm a screenwriter in Colorado, with a penchant for strong leads for females and minorities. Being a Portland guy, you might be interested in "Trophy Hunt," set on a small island in the Pacific Northwest. 10 actors and a dog, low VFX, thriller/suspense/horror over thr...

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Mark OLeal

Looking to meet with screen writers in Portland OR

Richard "RB" Botto

Hey Mark...Appreciate the note regarding On Stage With RB and the network request. Unfortunately, I do not accept requests from accounts without a bio! I like to know who I am networking with! Let me know when you've posted one, and I'd be happy to accept. Have a terrific day.

Mark OLeal

Excellent trailer....keep up that quality of production through out and you will have no problem with success. It could totally be on Netflix or Amazon.

Ozzie Devrish

Thanks for the connection Mark.

Excellent! I enjoy the thought process/inspiration to create this type of project.

Daniel Buhr

Hi! Please visit my Updated Website with new samples and other stuff! have a nice day!

Charles Rule

Mark, Are you still seeking an editor? Check out Anthony Karis at Darkside Post. Thanks, Charles Rule

Mark OLeal

Thanks Charles....I found one.

Mark OLeal

Looking for an editor for a documentary shooting Aug 10-12

Ethan Derner

Hi Mark, I am an editor looking for the next great documentary to craft together and deliver. Can I be of help to you with yours?

Celena Rubin

Hi Mark, I'm a makeup artist in Portland. Just joined stage 32. Let me know if you need my help! Thank you, Celena

Alexander Shesha

Hello! I am a professional film composer and sound designer, looking for some new exciting projects here Creating unique soundtracks! Able to write fast and communicate via Skype Welcome to my website (you can listen to some examples there)

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Russell Johnson

Thanks for connecting!

Doug Nelson

Mark, I've got a couple of shorts I want to take to production this summer (they have some funding attached.) I intended to do them down here in the Eugene area but can not round up a qualified crew, so now I'm thinking of going up to Portland - any interest on your partr? Thanx, Doug

Mark OLeal

Yes I am intetezted. Lets talkj about your projet (s)...would you like to send me your script(s)

Doug Nelson

Glad to discuss them with you. Contact me via e-mail ar

Daniel Buhr

Hi Please visit my Brand new WebPage! Share it if you like! Have a nice day!

Mark OLeal

Nice to meet you!

Wayne G Sweat

Likewise. I hope to meet you in person one day.

Mark OLeal

Nice to meet you! We need to talk...especially for Nick Waters project.

Wayne G Sweat

Please keep me in mind in all of your projects.

Mark OLeal

Hi Stephanie When your back in Portland lets meet.

S.G. Golden

I haven't left Portland, you're the second person that's said "when I get back" I'm wondering if my location says that I'm somewhere else. But, yes we should meet up and chat about projects. :)

Mark OLeal

That's funny...must have been the message to Linda made it sound like you were in NY for a few months. I hang at the Blue Pig most mornings...2038 SE Hawthorne

S.G. Golden

It's cool. I'm new to Stage 32 and didn't realize my posts to one person get shared with my entire network. Will have to share one-on-one messages.

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Mark's network

Chris Rakotomamonjy
Arthur Charpentier
Matthew Parvin
Rod Burke
Alf Kramden
Cheryl Boyles
Michael Farrell
Kevin Christoffersen
Yuvraj Wankhede
Julien Vannucchi
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