M. Gabrielle Legault

M. Gabrielle Legault


Eugene, Oregon

Member Since:
July 2012
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About M.

I am the author of a historical fiction series, The Illyrian Chronicles, which has been receiving 5-star reviews on Amazon. I am currently working on a screenplay based on a 4th novel, and have two independent producers who have already agreed to take a look it. My website (still in progress) is . If you are an independent producer/director, I invite you to take a look at the reviews, as I am open to optioning the novels and/or finding a screenwriter to convert them to screenplays.

Other than my writing endeavors, I stay quite busy as student in a Multimedia Design Program in Oregon. I had a great experience last summer when I put together a film crew to make a teaser/trailer for my screenplay, Alliance. I worked with some wonderful local talent, Mathew Bostrom, Austin VanDerplaat, Christina Moody, and others. Because of my work and school schedule, The Alliance Trailer Project is stalled in post for now, but I hope to have it finished and uploaded by early summer 2013.





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