I've got a science fiction novel I want to pitch via the Happy Writers platform. I can write the logline and script-format pitch, np, but don't want to write a screenplay. Has anyone used this service sans script?
I've got a science fiction novel I want to pitch via the Happy Writers platform. I can write the logline and script-format pitch, np, but don't want to write a screenplay. Has anyone used this service sans script?
Susan, why would you not write the script yourself?...I would advise against pitching your ideas without a copyrighted script...cya
I've thought about it but never done it. Writing a full length script with dialogue seems like a fools errand these days. Seems smarter to pitch "high concepts" like that Tulip movie that obviously titillated someone in the idea stage
thanks, Barry and Brad. Barry, I'm a novelist, not a scriptwriter. I think they're two somewhat different arts and certainly different in terms of formatting. Plus, my understanding is that a spec script will be rewritten until unrecognizable anyway.
, I have been writing books and short stories for 40 years, and just recently decided to some of my stories to scripts. It is easy, get a few sample scripts to see what the formats are, then take your...
Expand comment, I have been writing books and short stories for 40 years, and just recently decided to some of my stories to scripts. It is easy, get a few sample scripts to see what the formats are, then take your story, picture it in your head and write some action notes in lines between the Dialogue. that's the basics...lol
A treatment is an excellent idea, Jeff.