Nicholas In Seattle

Nicholas In Seattle

Owner & CEO at Abell Publishing LLC
Actor, Director, Photographer (Still), Screenwriter, Playwright, Stage Director, Acting Teacher, Author, Creative Executive, Leadman, Researcher, Songwriter, Videographer, Content Creator, Publisher and Other

Seattle, Washington

Member Since:
October 2017
Last online:
2 days ago
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About Nicholas

I'm 'that guy' who believes in God, the Son... miracles and telling great stories through written, spoken and visual mediums. ANYTHING CAN BE DONE... "IF"... one is willing to put their greatest efforts forward.


Go for it and never look back! The future relies on us GETTING IT DONE!!!

I wish EVERYONE the greatest of successes in ALL we do!

Happy 2019 All! It's June 21st... the Summer Solstice is upon us... get out and enjoy the days!

Kindly always,

Nicholas In Seattle adieu...

Unique traits: My Ventures; as-well goals in life are: First and foremost-- To Help Others Succeed in life... IF I can. To see what most do not see; and to understand the underlying currents of storytelling in all forms, visually and through the spoken word. For the betterment of ALL HUMAN KIND, ANIMALS, EARTH. I AM: A Published Writer-Author... An Owner-CEO of, "Abell Publishing LLC."... A: 1- Master Inventor & Creator 2- Person of t=True d=Depth and k=Knowledge-- out-of-which... I gain Wisdom to share with our world. 3- Have kept myself Completely Hidden From View of the general public, for nearly all of my life. This is DUE to My Personal Upbringing, which caused me to be, the Painfully Shy Human Being that I am. (As an Author, I am breaking FREE of the prison I have kept myself in all of my life. It HAS... BEGUN.) 4- an Owner and Possessor and at times Presenter of TRUE PASSION. (you won't find ANYONE that matches me PASSION for PASSION! (NOT-- A-- CHANCE! ! !) :--)) But you could certainly TRY! (winks) 5- Natural Teacher & Mentor; building impressions that never fade. I may begin Teaching the depths of, "Acting & Directing" in the near future. We shall see... right now... my Book Series comes first. (Those who know me, and have worked with me over the decades-- seem to see me, in such a wonderful light. They are very kind, and I am thankful to them... always!) 6- Master of the game of Chess. Once I learnt the game's depths, I have not lost ONE GAME SINCE.... that covers the span of my life, and over 1,700 games played in total. This does not include playing electronic Chess Games or those like Fritz 13, which I beat, fist game in Pro Mode, while talking on the phone at the same time. How do you like THEM APPLES??? :--)) I don't play anymore. Haven;t for mega years. If Bobby Fisher was around still, I'd play and beat him. But he isn't. Sadly! 7- Master Problem Solver. 8-- Real Life MacGyver. That's enough about me and who I am. I don't LIKE saying, because it seems I am bragging, when I am NOT. What I AM doing is sharing TRUTHS... HUGS DIFFERENCE! And in WORDS on a screen... WHO CAN TELL that difference? IF we were IN PERSON... and I was sharing all of this, you'd see it being done HUMBLY if you can imagine it. THAT is a fact. In parting I wish to say: My Best to Everyone's Successes in life! May there be many, and may they never cease! And to my fellow Writers--- "PLEASE NEVER STOP WRITING... THE WORLD NEEDS YOU!!!" A QUOTE from One of the greatest writers in thee industry William (Billy) Goldman, in re; "Writers": Quote:" Writers are the basis of Everything!" and "Everything begins with a Manuscript!" End Quote. From Me to You's... "IF you LOVE IT-- DO IT!" Stay Safe, WISE and thus-- WELL always! God Bless! And May Peace Be With Us All thus all of these crisis. Kindly always, Nicholas In Seattle 9.23.2020 2:35pm (PST) The Greater Seattle-Tacoma area or Washington State.



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