Hello all,
I am currently seeking screenwriting software for my mac and was looking for some guidance. I've used Celtx in the past on my windows computers but now that I'm on mac I need another option. Specifically I want something that I can use on my laptop while not connected to the internet and w...
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Are you saying you don't have internet access on your Mac but you did have it on your previous Windows machine? I use Final Draft on my Mac, I also have the paid version of WriterDuet which operates a...
Expand commentAre you saying you don't have internet access on your Mac but you did have it on your previous Windows machine? I use Final Draft on my Mac, I also have the paid version of WriterDuet which operates as a stand alone system. I also have FadeIn which is stand alone as well. I have the web based Celtx and the older stand alone version. FD is my preferred and the others are for client scripts.
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Dan MaxXx you can change the font in Fade In and there are tons of free courier fonts out there. Some better mimic Final Draft, but I personally prefer Courier Prime and Courier Screenplay as I think...
Expand commentDan MaxXx you can change the font in Fade In and there are tons of free courier fonts out there. Some better mimic Final Draft, but I personally prefer Courier Prime and Courier Screenplay as I think they are a bit cleaner.
Most execs can also tell when a script is from FD, but honestly, no one really cares if it isn't. We work with hundreds of execs who are requesting scripts all the time and literally none of them have ever commented on the program used except when the oddball tries to send a word doc.
If you have the money for Final Draft and like it the most, then go for it. If you don't, or prefer one of the others (nearly all have free demos - try them all out before spending your hard-earned money), then go with those.
CJ Walley's list is great, and I'd also add Highland 2 since you are on a Mac, though I'm not sure if the need for an internet connection on that one.
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I can't name a single Producer or Director who care what software you use to script a compelling tale in an industry recognized format. Can you?
SLUGLINE and HIGHLAND are both fantastic and highly recommended, but they’re Mac only.
I know a lot of people love Final Draft, but I've had nothing but trouble with it, mostly because of the crashing...
Expand commentSLUGLINE and HIGHLAND are both fantastic and highly recommended, but they’re Mac only.
I know a lot of people love Final Draft, but I've had nothing but trouble with it, mostly because of the crashing. Drives me crazy. It’s literally the only software I use that crashes regularly. In full disclosure, I haven't used it since the last version, I'm on Slugline and Highland full time lately. I’ve read that Final Draft is a PC program that’s been ported over to Mac, and that would certainly explain the trouble.
Having said that, every producer I’ve ever met with has requested a PDF and nothing more, so that’s about all you need in the sales process. If/When a Final Draft file is required, it takes me about 7 seconds to push out a clean Final Draft file directly from Highland.
Final Draft is my current choice. However, I began writing using Celtx, which was also excellent.