Tobias John Nathe

Tobias John Nathe


Independence, Kentucky

Member Since:
December 2017
Last online:
4 days ago
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About Tobias

I grew up in the state of Washington, the youngest of 16 kids -- seven of my mom including me. My dad was a dentist and a deacon in the Catholic Church. Mom and dad died in 2005 and 2000 respectively. After graduating from Washington State U. (Go Cougs!) in Sport Management with a minor in Public Relations (1994), I moved to Los Angeles to pursue a film career. That lasted three years. I worked on a number of small film productions but earned a living on the corporate side of film, eventually going permanent with Orion Pictures in distribution shortly before they merged with MGM. During this time I wrote a short and one feature. My idea was to sell the feature and use the proceeds to direct the short, thus building a director's reel and go on to become a famous director artiste but, alas, that didn't happen.

After going through a major (ala St. Paul) conversion experience on my 25th birthday--the date I had as a goal to become famous--I moved back to the state of WA and began reconsidering my life. This led me to pursue the Priesthood for a spell, which simultaneously led me back into studies, something I didn't think I had it in me to pursue again. To make a long story short, I went on to get four more degrees, including a doctorate in Moral Theology/Ethics from The Catholic U. of America in 2012.

In the Fall of 2013, I joined the faculty of The Athenaeum of Ohio/Mount St. Mary's Seminary of the West in Cincinnati, OH. I taught there for three years, but the Lord had other plans. A year before leaving the seminary I had gotten married and, through discernment, we decided that I should work from home while my wife returned to her more lucrative finance career. This way we could bring children into our home while at least one of us was there, as we'd prefer to homeschool and not go the daycare route with our kids (we're still waiting to foster-adopt). For about a year and a half, I published a local Catholic magazine, which certainly had its successes, but the life of selling sponsorships, no matter how great the cause, was not for me. I am come full circle, trying once more to become the screenwriter I had wanted to be 20+ years ago. I've redrafted my original spec a number of times and began working on a book adaptation. As I write this, I'm taking the ProSeries 70 course with ScreenwritingU. The course has been great and I'm really looking forward to writing my next original spec (for the course itself), but I'm also excited about applying what I've learned to my two other projects.

Unique traits: I'm a theologian by discipline, so I've written a number of academic papers. Screenwriting is a whole 'nother animal. It's a great challenge and a lot of fun!



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