Chad Hutson

Chad Hutson


Seattle, Washington

Member Since:
December 2017
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Chad

Storytelling is our species’ way to communicate, preserve human history, inspire, and connect.

I have been a storyteller from a very young age, starting with an overactive imagination as a young boy growing up in Spokane, Washington, to my move westward working as a newspaper reporter with Washington daily newspapers and the Associated Press. Being too opinionated, I left journalism and went into marketing/communications for the private sector and for the last 15 years, the federal government.

A couple of years ago fate intervened and I received an unsolicited flyer from the University of Washington for a screenwriting class. One year later I typed "Fade In" for the first time and found my true calling. Since then, I've won the Northwest's Bigfoot Screenwriting competition, the Santa Barbara International Screenplay Competition, The Houston Comedy Film Festival, and the Portland Oregon Comedy Film Festival. I have also been named as a three-time second rounder at the Austin Film Festival and have placed in the finals of another ten screenwriting competitions for various features and pilots.

Someday, when I grow up, I'd like to be a full-time screenwriter.





  • Santa Barbara International Screenplay Competition

  • Bigfoot Script Challenge - Best Feature Screenplay

  • Portland OR Comedy Film Festival Best Feature Scritp

  • Houston Comedy Film Festival

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