life has a funny way of taking it's time to tell you, even shout at you "What the hell are you playing at!", after years in the doldrums, taking a long break from entertainment having attempted to become a Brit Rock Star-Songwriter, in the 90's, i now find myself after a good few years of self-study, taken the plunge to be taken seriously as a comedian-actor, who can also write a fair bit too. At the end of 2017 I started my YouTube channel, to firstly be able to experiment with my ideas, to have a record of my adventure, to try to be successful on YouTube (yeah right! i should try playing video games or showing of my make up!) and to get my face out there, I will also be performing stand up this year and looking for any projects that i can either help with or take part of, so i'm always available for idea's chat and any helpful advice you can give to me is always most grateful.