I'm an industry veteran with over 20+ years in the entertainment industry. A former film publicist with Peggy Siegel and after a Literary Manager/producer for screenwriters after training in the UTA mailroom.. also recognized by agents or my stand-up comedy ability and was “sent“ to Hollywood in 2005 to audition for sitcoms during a break in working at an agency. The writer strike and lack of comedy shows on air blocked that career trajectory.
I have written an inspirational comedy TV series for 4 1/2 years dealing with female self empowerment. Received the help of a well-known show runner, former EP of Curb and have been receiving consultation from a veteran, Former comedy VP of development at Lionsgate who advised on a rewrite several years ago and has now helped me fine tune the pilot and TV series season progression. It is now ready to go to female producers looking to produce a hysterical and inspirational female driven comedy TV series.
Unique traits: A stand-up comedienne, TV comedy writer and former Literary manager/producer for screenwriters.
It’s not easy being me A vibrant and funny woman discovers that her larger than life personality is the obstacle to her finding true love
Semi Finalist in the Funniest Woman in NYC contest