Hello Group Greeting from Cork City Ireland I looking for any film Investors out there in the state or business person who would also like to invest in a project no time waster please serious investors Thank You
Hello Group Greeting from Cork City Ireland I looking for any film Investors out there in the state or business person who would also like to invest in a project no time waster please serious investors Thank You
What's good, Philip! Greetings from big Denver Colorado. Welcome to S32! How about a pitch, logline, synopsis, one page, something, anything other than a lone plea for money. Pleas without pitches don...
Expand commentWhat's good, Philip! Greetings from big Denver Colorado. Welcome to S32! How about a pitch, logline, synopsis, one page, something, anything other than a lone plea for money. Pleas without pitches don't get any response here. We gotta show and prove, brother. I posted an example for you. it's not perfect, but you get it. Any questions, my friend?