Author of "Luna The Moon Pig" and the newly-released sequel, "Luna and The Snow Cat," a magical collaboration with the legendary Sheila Graber, world-acclaimed award-winning Artist, Animator, Illustrator, and Educator, celebrated for her work with Paddington Bear and Children's Television.
Delighted to announce a collaboration with Bit Vejle, celebrity paper- cut artist, and founder of The Museum for Paper Art in Denmark. "The Snow Queen," with cover art by Bit Vejle in the paperback edition, and original Hans Christian Andersen paper cut art, courtesy of Museum Odense, is a fantasy fairy tale retelling set in England, Eire, Ireland and Scandinavia. The kindle version of this book is an exciting collaboration with notable Pratt Institute alumna, and SCBWI member, Helen Geiger, who is the cover artist.
Thrilled to announce a brand new kids' middle grade series, celebrating friendship, kindness and good food! The Housie Mousie Series has two books so far: "Housie Mousie and The Big Cheese," wonderfully illustrated by Helen Geiger, and the brand new release for " Housie Mousie and The Christmas Crow," with enchanting artwork by the talented Emily Heaven.
The brand new picture book, "Poop The Dragon," published by Elite Lizzard Publishing Company in Canada is Suzy's very first humor picture book, and the result of a meeting of minds and hearts, with Disneyesque artist, Lizy. J. Campbell, owner of Elite Lizzard and a writer herself.
Suzy is currently collaborating with Wendy Waters and Lisa Haden on an exciting project. Watch this space!
Unique traits: A cat lover, cheese addict and lover of animated movies, music of all kinds and Art. Boundless energy.
Multi-Award Winner for Children's Books
University of Sussex
University of Leicester