Army Veteran with 17 years service and 4 combat deployments with 2 short films on Amazon prime called " The Loan " and " In Return" . Currently working on a star wars fan film and working on a concept for the 2018 rode film contest.
Visions of Love
(Drama and Romance)
(Comedy and Horror)
Invisible Wounds
I'm a Jedi
(Short and Music)
Standing in Front of Me
(Short and Romance)
Actor Hannah always find love in the wrong places. Her friend Gordon lives this nightmare with her. She lives in a superficial world of wanting a hot and sexy man but overlooks what is best for her. A loving man. Will she ever find her true love? Written by Robert Deon
Dawn and the Dead
Actor Dawn is a little girl with psychic abilities. She also has very strong nightmares that can wreak havoc with those abilities. When she is kidnapped by a group that develop a mechanism to harness her gift and tap into her nightmares, they find that they are able to bring her deepest darkest fears to life and RAISE THE DEAD. Written by Writer Rick Danford
Portrait in Blood
(Short and Horror)
Cinematographer Portrait in Blood follows Marshall, who has an blood. He's a vampire who stalks his prey. A vigilante who chooses victims and ushers them to death. What happens when the unexpected occurs and he has to deal with consequences? Written by Artistic License Studio
Goldiee Live at the JAEB Theater
(Short and Comedy)
Cinematographer Taking Tampa, FL by storm, Comedian and Actor Justin " Goldiee" Goldsmith takes the stage at the ever famous Straz Center and performs on stage a 30 minute stand up show that will have you laughing out of your chair.
In Return
(Crime and Short)
Director John and Melissa Pier moved into an inner city of Florida. John is a retired military veteran who is looking for ways to cope living outside of the military. His wife, Melissa, is a fitness instructor who helps keep her husband, John focused in civilian life. Everything seems like it fits into place. Unknown to the happy couple, they have just moved into the outskirts of a mob infested city, that has been quiet for a few months, just prior to the new family's arrival. One night, John walks back home from a convenience store, and see's two people dressed in suits, harassing an old man and his daughter. John fends off the two attackers and is warned by the victims that he should have just, turned and walked away. Now John has a price on his head, and his family is the target. Doing one good deed turns out to be chaos and hell for Johns family. Can John do what's needed to protect his family or will his efforts be in vain. Written by Alfred Smith Cox Jr
The Loan
(Thriller and Short)
Director David Cox is a veteran who's family was killed during the post 9/11 attacks. After being turned down by several loan officials, David Cox takes matters into his own hands and kidnaps the loan officials that denied his loan. Take a ride with first time director, Alfred Cox, and see how well your credit score is. Written by Alfred Cox
Split: The Lasting Effects of an Indecisive Mind
(Short, Comedy and Drama)
Sound department A drama/ comedy about the balance between today and life decisions for tomorrow.
Love/Hate: The Amazing Life of a Comicbook Artist!
(Short and Comedy)
Actor AJ LOVES the world of comic books. Started collecting when he was 14 and started working in comics in 1994. Being a 20+ years comic book artist, He is doing his first appearance in public in years after having a deciding that he simply hates doing conventions/appearances/signings years ago due to Dealing with all the stereotypical fans and such associated with the comic book industry. He loves to read, write, and create art for comics and has done it consistently. He has finally came out with his own project and had to bite the bullet to help promote the book to boost sales from the publisher. He has to do a signing. We will go thru the day of the event, from him getting ready for it, going to it and not killing himself, his reputation and everyone else. Written by Austin Janowsky
The Best Laid Plans
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