I am a host of things but my most powerful, passionate and rewarding job is being a mother to my eighteen year old daughter and twenty-one year old son. Secondary to that is my writing. I'm a work in progress, having had the dream of becoming a screenwriter for the past two decades, I"m finally working on my script in hopes it will be seen and help young people who suffer from depression. I love to act and was a childhood model/actor but never pursued my dreams. I'm now fifty-two years old and on my way to working out the biggest challenges in life! My son is a motivational speaker, fitness trainer, college student and my greatest supporter! My daughter who is a talented musician/singer/songwriter is equally my inspiration. I've watched my children go through some very hard, relentless situations where they pulled themselves through, proving they are capable of anything. Some say it's because of my parenting they are this way but I believe they have found their inner strength and love for life. They have pushed me to believe I must believe in myself before anyone else can believe in me. I'm pushing myself to finish my lifelong journey with this much needed screenplay. I know it will touch and inspire teenagers and people around the globe! I look forward to learning from the members of Stage32!