Sherry Kear

Sherry Kear

Actor, Singer, Voice Actor, Voice Artist, Clerk and Crew

Riverside, California

Member Since:
April 2018
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
Invites sent:

About Sherry

A 4th gen native Californian and a believer in the Laws of Attraction. Be it film, TV, stage , Voice Over or animation. In front or behind the scenes ...I’ve a plethora of life experiences that I can recall upon to create the characters you seek. I dig a challenge and look forward to new experiences. What’d ya say...Let’s make magic.

Peace & Be Well

Unique traits: Warm and resonate voice. I can sing in characters. Ventriloquist skills. Diverse acting skills. Could be stand up with right routine. Am a certified security guard. On a side note: Would love to intern as a talent scout/agent.




  • The Eye of Midnight

    The Eye of Midnight (2019)
    Film by Bradley Nyberg (Mystery) Supporting A story inspired by Edgar Allan Poe "Tell Tale Heart"

  • Becoming a Hero

    Becoming a Hero (2018 - 2019)
    Film by Denise Coates Supporting Imagine a story within a story ...kinda Never ending story meets Princess Bride crossed with a lil Harry Potter

  • Becoming a Hero

    Becoming a Hero (2018 - 2019)
    Film by Denise Coates Supporting Imagine a story within a story ...kinda Never ending story meets Princess Bride crossed with a lil Harry Potter

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