Nancy Gail Fox Aka Fox-Taylor

Nancy Gail Fox Aka Fox-Taylor

Medium For God DBA at Medium For God DBA
Actor, Costume Designer and Screenwriter

Encino, Los Angeles County, California

Member Since:
August 2018
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Nancy

Prophet writing has been my proffesion since 2009 June when I became a medium clear vesel of light for God and Jesus Christ and many important spirit guides. I started my channel writing "Medium For God" business then and hand wrote in a sacred light trance everyday to save lives and sent the information I channel wrote all over the world to save people. I did not know my proffesion would be psychic writing as I suddenly became a full medium clear one day and I use my gift to its fullest to save life on earth and the world. I started channeling on my Angel Board in 2005 everynight by a white candle light and I started my save life readings this way everyday. I then started channel typing and do this for years, I write many important reports to save lives all over the world. I created my artistic Prophet business, channel writing poems and writing my own save life poems also in addition to my spiritual screenplays as I'm a studied screenplay writer and studied poetry and song lyric writing for many years and it was always my hobby and passion. I planned to be a screenplay writer since I was 17 years old. I completed my first screenplay in 2004 called " Angel's Anonymous" and I have two other screenplays I have been working on, the movie treatments are called " The River Farm Drive Mom, I Became A Medium To Stop Slavery Internationally". It's a true story about myself, how we were stalked , slandered, victimized at our house on River Farm Drive in Westlake Village and I was framed and set up and became a medium clear there as I felt the blood of Christ pass through me and started my channel writing and try to use my gift Ive been given to its fullest and I am devoted to this as an obligation and put my heart and soul into it for over nine years to save people and the world. My other screenplay treatment I have been writing by my past life psychic readings and its called " Carly Wilkinson, Based On My Past Life Readings" which was the life right before this one as my readings say I died 1958 Dec and knew I would be born as Nancy Fox and do my save life psychic work in this life as I do in every life , ten zillion lifetimes God says as we are the same person in every life, the same spirit and soul inside and I am called " The Emergency Angel, The Angel Of Stopping Emergencys" and my readings say I am " The Gaurdian Angel" in the painting someone did of the Angel saving children crossing on a bridge over a river as I died in that life when we lived on the prarie in covered wagon days and I saved my grandchildren from heaven as their "Gaurdian Angel" and my children who are the same children in this life,one a Angel Board Ouija Board spiritual geru as I and my other daughter is always a medium as I am and shes a healer of the earth and world and a real genie and thats what shes doing and has been studying for her proffesion since age 18 when she decided this was her plan and my older daughter is an Angel Board reader in this life as she did it also and they are always my geru spiritual psychic daughters and my gift really kicked in in 2005 at our house on River Farm Drive as I felt so spiritual there as it was by a church and we could hear the church bells gonging every hour and a wall of Angels was all around and suddenly I was so psychic channeling on my Angel Board. I also channel write " Songs From Heaven" and its my save life business.

In addition to my "Medium For God" writers business I work as a psychic medium reader for eight years.

I was a Realtor from 1999 to 2009. I sold many properties and I did my writing in my off time and felt selling real estate would support my writing career as I planned to be a screenplay writer since High School. I worked in the movie industry from 1979 to 1997 and again in 2009 as a "Costume Designer" and Costume Supervisor" as I wanted to work on films to learn about making movies so I could make my own. To be a screenplay writer was always my plan as a Costume Designer, A Realtor and I learned about characters being a Costume Designer and as a Realtor I knew which house a person would want to buy by the style and by their personality and I am great at criminal profiling which is why I cracked the case of how they run slavery internationally.
Nancy Gail Fox
Medium For God DBA Buisness Owner

Unique traits: I'm a psychic medium for famous people, I speak on my youtube channel for them and channel write for the famous legends since June 2009. For nine years I report my psychic crime tips as the "Medium For God" channel writer to stop slavery internationally. That's also my screenplay I am writing about my true life story " The River Farm Drive Mom-I Became A Medium To Stop Slavery Internationally"






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