Vic Alexander

Vic Alexander


Glendale, California

Member Since:
September 2018
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Vic

I'm a filmmaker, graduate of the San Francisco State Film Department, June 1970. I've worked in Norway in Teamfilm, Oslo, and later in the advertising field. I have made many movies, such as TWO FACES OF YOUTH starring Scotty Sachs, Joan Dykman and Martino Molinnetti; BUTTERFLIES IN THE WIND starring Heather Coburn, Shawn G. Smith, Lynn Holly Robertson, and Elizabeth Buyers THE RED QUEEN starring Shawn G. Smith, Liv Alexander, Gabrielle Salinger (who won an Oscar for Best Actress), Brent Stevens, Devin De La Paz; and THE CHASE starring Nicole Lehmans, Jason Teague, and Judson Sapp.




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