Amazon Prime
Discussing sound for "Yaya"
Discussing sound for "Yaya"
Slate for "Yaya"
On the set of "Yaya"
On the set of "Yaya"
Poster for "If You Please" (STP Bien)
Poster for "Fugue"
Still from "If You Please"
Still from "If You Please"
Laura Neri directing actors on the set of "Fugue"
Surgery scene on the set of "Fugue"
Director's monitor on the set of "Fugue"
Night shoot on the set of "Fugue" with actress Maria Kallimani
Director Laura Neri on the set of "Fugue" with Director of Photography Pantelis Mantazanas
Laura Neri 2023
Wig test
At Cinequest with producer Janeen Levin Marquardt
Sound re-recording mix with Christophe Nassif and Benjamin Lecuyer in Paris
Editing "Fugue"
On the set of FUGUE (2018)
Shot on Red One.
The gaffers at work...
Lili Mirojnick as Galia and Joe Lia as Lyle.
Director Laura Neri and cinematographer Gavin Kelly discussing the shot - Union Station scene.
A line of coke...
Director Laura Neri and cinematographer Gavin Kelly establishing the shot - Bar mitzvah scene.
The cop situation...
Director Laura Neri and sound mixer Ramsey Mellette
Joe Lia as Lyle
Lili Mirojnick, Katerina Moutsatsou and Maria-Elena Laas as Galia, Soti and Cardamosa
The guys carrying the famous carpet