Ha...I am a "Baby Boomer," born after my Iwo Jima Marine father returned from the end of WWII. I am the oldest of 6 children and the only one to graduate from college.... not because my blue collar parents paid for it, but because I worked to do it myself. I've supported my two children by myself, since my husband abandoned us in their infancy and the habit just stuck all my life, I guess. My degree is in Sociology/Social Work but I went on to secure a Paralegal Certificate also. In my day, you only made "women's wages" for doing the same job as a man, but I guess nothing much has changed there, has it!
So I've had a multitude of jobs to support myself and my children. I worked as a social worker, paralegal, researcher, proofreader, investigator, administrative assistant, office manager, accounting facilitator, events coordinator and body guard. I eventually retired, became bored and found a job at age 70 doing the computer input for a small company.
My voice, when I sang choral was that of an alto, singing harmony and has gathered much character over these 7 decades dealing with my fellowman. I had to be kind and sympathetic with abused, hurting children and forceful and demanding with criminals and charlatans. Reading is my passion...sharing that love would be my honor.
Seton Hill University