Mage Lanz's Lounge Discussions

Emily J
LA Roll Call

Hey! Curious who all is in LA so we can plan a meet-up sometime! lmk

Melissa Birks

Excellent! Thanks for planning, Emily!

Mage Lanz

Yelp is now saying Mixology at the Farmers Market has closed. The general Farmers Market hours on Saturday go until 9pm, so if you wanted to stay out later for drinks, maybe we could find another loca...

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Emily J

Mage Lanz What about if instead of the market we did nearby at the Grove and made a res at Cheesecake Factory? I know that's not as fun since there's one of those everywhere, but this way we're guaran...

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Mage Lanz

Sure, I'm down for whatever, that one doesn't have outdoor dining though just FYI.

Melissa Birks

Just confirming... we're on for Cheesecake Factory at 3 pm on Saturday the 30th?

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