I am looking for coverage for my script. Which are the best agencies or agents that do it? Or do I apply to a festival?
I am looking for coverage for my script. Which are the best agencies or agents that do it? Or do I apply to a festival?
Looking for an experienced American writer based in LA for working on a feature film script. Story and screenplay is written. Just need a few changes and additions. Project is in deferred mode. There will be a contract.
DM me if interested or if you have any leads.
I have already started pitching it...
Expand postLooking for an experienced American writer based in LA for working on a feature film script. Story and screenplay is written. Just need a few changes and additions. Project is in deferred mode. There will be a contract.
DM me if interested or if you have any leads.
I have already started pitching it and need someone on board asap to work on the feedback received.
Thank you. Please spread the word.
All “free” work has a contract. They tend to contain shares in a profit that never appears.
Craig D Griffiths With due respect this film's contract is about getting paid as soon as the budget is set for making the movie.
Guys, humble request. Please do not comment on this thread if you don't have anything to contribute. Trolls are not welcome. Thank you.
No one is begging you to refer or be a part of this project. If you dont like what you see or read on this post kindly move on to the next post. Thanks!
I'm not being a troll, I'm trying to get some facts because this task is what I do. Let's assume for a moment that the producer is expecting you to Amercanize the script as part of your payment but yo...
Expand commentI'm not being a troll, I'm trying to get some facts because this task is what I do. Let's assume for a moment that the producer is expecting you to Amercanize the script as part of your payment but you're not comfortable doing that. If you're confident this will be produced and you'll be paid then you should hire an editor and pay them yourself as you'll be reimbursed when you're paid.
What do you do when an agent from one of the topmost agencies agrees to read your script but wants you to sign a 3 page submission release which basically takes away all your rights? I have my film registered with the WGA but the release form literally is one sided.
You sign it and say thank you.
You sign it and say "thank all that is holy"
I would simply talk to an entertainment lawyer first, find
out their professional opinion
and Congratulations for getting their attention!!!!
SeeK legal advice. Donn is on-point. Don't get ripped off.
Hello Everyone,
I have written 2 drafts of my feature film screenplay. I think i would like to register it for copyright. What's the most comprehensive way to register it? WGA or Electronic copyright office? Or some other way?
Thank you in advance.
Teeshay, you already have copyright of your two screenplays. Copyright exists with or without registration. If you wish to register a claim, register with the LOC, https://www.copyright.gov. :) I woul...
Expand commentTeeshay, you already have copyright of your two screenplays. Copyright exists with or without registration. If you wish to register a claim, register with the LOC, https://www.copyright.gov. :) I wouldn't bother with WGA, certainly, if you are not a member—they purge their databank every 5 years.
Copyright [registration]. That constitutes legal ownership. That is what you sell when you sell your screenplay (all fingers crossed!) Nothing else is a substitute. WGA registration is a handy way to...
Expand commentCopyright [registration]. That constitutes legal ownership. That is what you sell when you sell your screenplay (all fingers crossed!) Nothing else is a substitute. WGA registration is a handy way to record major rewrites. If you change it enough, you may want to register a new copyright. Good luck!
Thank you everyone. Really kind of you to pitch in.
Registering with the Library of Congress is best. You can always register it with the WGA when you're on the verge of a sale to a WGA signatory company or after. The only thing it will do is help you...
Expand commentRegistering with the Library of Congress is best. You can always register it with the WGA when you're on the verge of a sale to a WGA signatory company or after. The only thing it will do is help you fight for proper credit on the project if they dump you as the writer and try to assign the writing credits to other people. A friend of mine was able to retain the written by credit on a big feature when his big time director tried to steal credit for the script. The WGA arbitrated and the director lost and the company abided by the decision.
I spoke to WGA and they said we recommend everyone to do "both".
Hello, i am looking at a flexible job opening. I am an actor and filmmaker and would love to work in production or behind the camera as a side hustle to learn. Thank you.
Happy to talk to you about this, Teeshay. Feel free to message me.
Screenplay Gurus. Notes AND script mark up. I've used them many times, incredible detail.
In no particular order: 1. https://fourstarnotes.com/ 2. https://bartgold.com/ 3. http://www.screenplaymechanic.com/ 4. http://www.scriptgal.com/...
Expand commentIn no particular order: 1. https://fourstarnotes.com/ 2. https://bartgold.com/ 3. http://www.screenplaymechanic.com/ 4. http://www.scriptgal.com/
Thank you so much guys. Appreciate it.