Cameron Deane Caulfield

Cameron Deane Caulfield


Brisbane, Australia

Member Since:
August 2012
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Cameron

11 year old, Cameron Caulfield has already started making a name for himself in the acting world. Cameron has recently started with regular guest Presenter roles on Toasted TV, Channel 10. Cameron has done many big screen tests, and was recently short listed to the final two for The Hard Drive, staring John Cusack. Cameron took 2nd place at the Junior Gymnastic State Championships in 2013. He plays the Trumpet, trains in weapons, Film Fighting and Gymnastics weekly. He is also in the Gifted and Academic program. Mcsweeny Castings: We believe that Cameron is a gifted and extremely professional young man and is firmly on our radar for any roles that may be suitable for him in the future.

Unique traits: small for my age, flexible, strong



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