"Much Much Worse," performed live by Sharon Hand and David Lichty, from Act II of the world premiere of the epic original musical "Zenobia" written by Lorris...
ZENOBIA, an original musical by Lorrisa Julianus and Angela Salvaggione, made its world premiere in the Chicago area in late summer 2013 and is now available...
Using my various voices and accents, I have recorded the complete Preamble and Article 1 of the Constitution of the United States of America. I begin with my casual speaking voice, and then switch between my cartoony characters and my dark growling vocals. Have a listen and let me know what you think!
Both a political statement and music video, I used video clips, still photos, and special effects to create this homage to the hypocrisy of Politics and Lies. I know now that some of the subtitles are amateurish, but it is a starting place from which I have proceeded and still continue to edit and compile works into cohesive videos. Final Cut Pro HD
A dramatic monologue of my poem... Further reflection on my father. Yes, Daddy issues here!
A reflection on the memories of experiencing Child Abuse at my father's hands and belt!
A reflection on the memories of experiencing Child Abuse at my father's hands and belt!
My father, a demonic phantom present only in my youth and then ghosting me throughout the rest of my life, was dying of cancer. Attending college, I was at an impasse, deciding whether to complete my course work or drop everything to see my father before he breathed his last death-rattle gasp of life. Here is a poem set to music dealing with my turmoil.
Being Native American, many paths for my future have been blocked. Many alternates have opened up, only to come to an abrupt ending. Much of the history and emotional duress is expressed in the words of this poem-turned-song. The intensity is felt in the music and the power of the words holds great meaning for me. I hope you enjoy this remixed version of my vocal performance...
One of my many poems, converted to song, utilizing Audacity filters and Ujam for music.