A small #shortfilm that started a world, that has grown into a #script and now becoming a #book https://tinyurl.com/27ywvfv3
During these trying times, if you find yourself entertained, you'll need to thank an artist. Indie filmmakers need to have a voice, and YOU can join us by becoming an owner here: https://www.startengine.com/the-fantasy-network You can watch 95% of content for FREE right here: https://watch.thefantasy.network/
Want to know what is going on in the world of Fantasy & Sci-Fi? Well, time to tune-in for the next installment of The Fantasy Network News! Chime in on what you found most interesting! And if you like what you are seeing, check out our owner opportunity at: https://www.startengine.com/the-fantasy-network
THE MOST SUCCESSFUL PRODUCERS' 7 CORE PRINCIPLES & PRACTICES By: John L. Lee, Jr. DO YOU MINIMIZE YOUR INVESTORS’ RISK TO 20% OR LESS? DO YOU SET THE DISTRIBUTION OF EACH PICTURE EARLY IN DEVELOPMENT? ARE YOU WORKING IN A FULLY FUNDED MULTI-PICTURE ENVIRONMENT? If you answered “no” to any of these questions, reserve your seat now! You will learn: Learn the philosophy, principles, and practices used by the motion picture industry’s strongest and most profitable independent...
Here is 1 of the VIP Film and TV Summit Friday (Optional/Add-on) Workshops! If you bought a ticket to the main event, it's just +$25, but we are now offering limited seats for just the Friday workshop at $99. You can sign up here: https://www.vipfilmsummit.com/pay These 2 Workshops on Friday will be worth the entire sign-up fee! If you are serious about becoming a filmmaker...
www.VIPFilmAndTVSummit.com Join expert manager, agent, producer & investor panelists who have worked on projects with ABC, FOX, The CW, NBC, E!, Lifetime, TBN, Netflix, MTV, Nickelodeon, Discovery, Lionsgate, Warner Bros., Sony, & more! It’s like Shark Tank for writers & filmmakers! After each expert panel during the day, 10 lucky writers & filmmakers will have a...
How does one start from being a PA and then move up the ranks to become a director? We created a pathway to level up to your desired position. We are looking to create #film opportunities in the Mid-Atlantic region. We've initiated a blockchain technology in order to better track members and their contributions and then reward them with further opportunities. Join us and let's change the way our area creates sustainable filmmaking www.MidAtlanticStudios.com