Christopher Wolert's Lounge Discussions

Well finally saying hello...

Hello! There, that's done :D Ok ok maybe a bit more would be nice: So I've been a member of the site for quite a while but for some reason never got around to get it all set up and actually become an active user. Focussing on the wrong things at times maybe, but it's also been a time of quite a few...

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Eric Gilmartin

Chris, welcome to the site!

Alan Scott Soundzshop-media

I also signed up a few years ago and still haven't gotten round to setting it up properly. Been too busy which isn't a bad thing....WELCOME...

Shawn Speake

Welcome, Chris!

Richard "RB" Botto

Glad to see you back as well, Alan. Here's a blog I wrote regarding completing your bio, etc. Gives an inside look into some stats here on 32 and on the internet in general:

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Terri Viani

Welcome! =)

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