Scott A Gore

Scott A Gore


Mesa, Arizona

Member Since:
June 2019
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Scott

My first date was my Senior Prom in highschool. Afterwards I joined the Navy and sailed the 7 seas. In the Bahamas and Israel I ran into girls I went to highschool with while on a Navy cruise. Since then I've had more dates and met people all over the world. I've always had a love for story and now I love writing stories that draw people to experience a deeper aspect of living.





  • Bring eM Back

    Bring eM Back Budget: $100K - $1M | Horror When a highschool girl, who's trying to make the world a better place, is traumatized by the death of loved ones, she seeks to escape the pain and unknowingly release the monster from within her.

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