My name is Mike Stork - husband, father of two, beautiful daughters, a humble, passionate man with a strong desire to write. Write, write, write! I have written unpublished novels and poems, as well as articles on . My latest baby is my screenplay entitled "A Much Needed Devil". Log line: A small town murder mystery surrounds two estranged high school friends seeking closure, a death row inmate awaiting imminent execution and an eager reporter hellbent on exposing the truth.
Please reach out for more info or for a good read! I can't wait to share my story with you.
Unique traits: A half - sleeve tattoo on my right forearm of a quill and ink bottle.
A Much Needed Devil Drama A small - town murder mystery surrounds two estranged high school friends seeking closure, a death row inmate awaiting imminent execution and an eager reporter hellbent on exposing the truth.