Shelli Gonshorowski

Shelli Gonshorowski


Seattle, Washington

Member Since:
July 2019
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Shelli

Shelli is a producer, editor and voice-over artist who has spent the past 20 years working in radio and more currently video campaigns and programs. In 2006, she helped launch GreenStone Media in NYC. From 2008-2012, she produced Peter Greenberg’s Radio Travel show and racked up thousands of miles and worldwide contacts. And since 2012 she she has been working on commercials and campaign sizzles for video. She loves to get at the heart of the story and enhance it with music, media and sound to fill your ears. When not strapped to an edit bay in Seattle, Shelli loves to travel the world (20 countries and counting)!




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