My name is Stephen Joseph Nagy. You might have heard of me, I hope you heard of me (LOL)! If not, I'm the guy that just wrote an article with Actress & Supermodel Christy Bella Joiner that's getting national attention! By the way, it's for a great cause, cancer awareness! Please feel free to read it & comment.....html . I'm also a HUGE sports guy, as well as a HUGE Dallas Cowboys fan! Hey, I wrote a book about them, ! Now I'm looking to be an actor, so what's to do?? I'm pretty funny and I got a lot of famous people following me on twitter, @nagysnest. Like the song says, "I might have been a headache, but I never was a bore"!! Yeah, that's me!!
Unique traits: I can Leg Press 400+ LBS!!!!!!!!!!
Kean University
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