J. Alberto Leyes's Lounge Discussions

J. Alberto Leyes
How Big of a Risk is This ? ...and can it be prevented ?

Mos contest have a contract clause like this "You also understand that any one of these employees, or judges may have been or may be exploring ideas similar to yours, and you hereby waive any claim that the ISA and FAST TRACK, its employees or judges may have misappropriated any ideas or portions of...

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Niksa Maric

What did you mean by EXACT, John?

Niksa Maric

I'm not sure I'm following all this. Once you send out dozens, if not even 100's of queries to management agencies or agents, if they like it, they will sent you a standard release form and ask you to...

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Gary Gibbons

It's a no for me.

Eoin O'Sullivan

The optimist in me says give the guy a chance, the realist is afraid that Bruce Wayne/Batman will now say, "Alfred, get the kaaaar, I'm heading into Gatham". Ben Affleck has proven he has acting and d...

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Kev Minton

Putting on the cowl is one thing, it's the persona of Bruce Wayne that has been hard for actors to capture. The duality of the role is difficult to say the least. Cutesy ie. George Clooney won't do. I see Ben as the same way.

Michael Joseph DeRosa

Nice Eoin. Definitely a writers point of view. Movie goers may not realize that in the comics Batman can kick Superman's arse as well as save it, (or any of the other DC super heroes for that matter.)...

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DeAngelis Marshall

well since he did daredevil i don't disagree

Rebecca Katie-Louise

I'm a model, looking to expand into the acting world. Was wondering if everyone had advice in how to start. Thanks Rebeccakatielouise xo

David Haverty

I hate Meisner but I do believe in listening to your fellow actors in scenes.

Simon © Simon

Practice with a cheap 100 dollar video camera doing Monologues. When they are so good you have to share them on Youtube you are ready for some try outs. I also LOVE actors who do theater. They are in my opinion the best actors to work with.

Tyler Wolfe

Research universities in your area and do student films. Take classes and stay passionate!

Shawn Goth

Email me. I do directing and casting. I can give you tons of ideas on how to get started. demandmedia@outlook.com

Rick Jey

I could also use your mentoring. Jarick44@yahoo.com

Aldon Baker
What is your favorite movie for it's original music?

What is your favorite movie for it's original music? Please comment and like people's posts!

Endless Meghan Warner

Stay. Beautiful score. If you see the movie, then listen to the soundtrack, you can hear the story being told.

Randall Roffe

The original Disney Alice in Wonderland

Jon Noel Shelton

My Top 5 would be: 1. HELP! (1965) The Beatles with George Martin & Ken Thorne 2. RUMBLEFISH (1983) with its brilliant score by Stewart Copeland 3. ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST (1968) by Ennio Morrico...

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Kevin Gamble

Passion of the Christ, John Debney.

Abasseno Uko


Michael Stafford
Relocating to another State to Work in the Film and Television Industry

I am a student at Bowling Green State University majoring in Film Production and minoring in Creative Writing. I also have an Associate's Degree in Business Management. I am going to be a senior the fall semester of 2013. I am graduating in December 2014. I am taking time away from school for the su...

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D Marcus

"to work in the film and television industry" is vague. The industry is quite specific. Producers are looking to hire skilled people in specific jobs. It is only in very low budget and unpaid projects...

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J. Alberto Leyes

if you are serious about "FILM" , I think that you should pick three of the mayor industry hubs and select one .

Chuck Dudley

Michael Stafford -- just starting out? Move to LA! Work for FREE or become an assistant so you can build your network. You'll be surprised how much you'll learn in a year. Good luck on your journey!

Mark Roman

MOVE TO LA! I spent a decade in Michigan. MOVE TO LA!!!

Eric Giovon

Check out the great short film Caterpillar that I shot on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/55698309. It was a vimeo staff pick with over 100K views and now it was selected for the 2013 Photo Annual published by Photo District News Magazine.

Gary DeSomber

Very, very compelling and intriguing images. Haunting concept. Tells a lot without dialogue which is masterful film making. Thanks for sharing.

James David Sullivan

It's kind of choppy on vimeo. Do you have it on YouTube? The streaming needs to be faster.

Rachel Burttram Powers

beautifully done~

Viquii Johannesson (Vicki Johnson)

Pray, Just Do It! Resolve

Viquii Johannesson (Vicki Johnson)

Loved it at first shot!

Jess Paul
Popular Songs in an Amateur Screenplay

I wanted to pose the question to screenwriters both of and above my beginners' status: what's the protocol for including copyright music references in a feature screenplay? Is it viewed as unprofessional? Would it hurt a screenwriter's chances of winning a contest or selling the script? My screenpla...

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Simon King

Two thoughts to add to the mix... First, we would all love our work to be timeless. If you reference a Lil' Wayne song in dialogue then five years from now no one will know what you are talking about....

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Brent Jaimes

Resistance is futile. Laura, you are right. Even if we could show you a studio with a RULE etc. etc etc you would show that it's not a rule, it's not even a studio. Again, Laura is right on this. Whew, now this thread can go to bed.

Brent Jaimes

Laura, ok, you are right. Good point, well taken, the voice of experience backed up by EXAMPLES. Isn't that enough for you? Both sides of this question as to whether or not it's acceptable, illegal, h...

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Simon King

Fight! Fight!

MJ Gavin

I have a karaoke scene in a script I'm working on... Based on above comments, is it best to simply create my own song versus have the characters sing a produced song?

Jeremy Hunter
Does the length of you're script really matter?

I just finished the second half re-write of one of my scripts. I've never been this satisfied with anything I wrote before. Every scene adds to the story, there doesn't seem to be any filler, the actions and dialogue were written with ease although the length, which I've been told most screenplays s...

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Elisabeth Meier

@Leontien I did not mean he shall send it together. Just write others and have it in his bag when pitching. Many producers want to see whether you are a complete newbie or have some experience in writ...

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Leotien Parlevliet

Okay, I got it!

Stefano Pavone

No. As long as you've got a well-crafted story, length isn't that much of an issue, the reader's going to be sucked in.

Craig D Griffiths


Being on the short side is always better. Think of a meal. You finish a great meal. The chef says I have more if you would like it. "Yes please," you say. And more arrives.

You had a desire for mor...

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Richard Bruce Stirling

I aim for 110 pages or less - ideally 105 - just because the books says "120 pages," remember that each extra page is $$$$$$$$ - don't write and write assuming the reader will read on - if you don't h...

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Georgia Hilton
Post-Production, DCP delivery

I was asked today about creating a DCP delivery for a small indie project... You want to make a DCP delivery from your finished project? EASY ANSWER: You don’t’ have to worry about it. You just deliver to the DCP mastering facility at 24/48 or 23.976/48 and they will take care of it. Done. Easy. HAR...

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J. Alberto Leyes

You’ve have taken the words out of my mouth Georgia, then again you say it better.

Adrian Sierkowski

As someone who once, for fun, tried to make a DCP, I 100% agree do not try this @ home. Man, was that something I'd never want to play with again! Also sucks because even if you make a DCP at home, you have no real way of checking it @ home...

Julian Nabunya

kind of hard thing , i just want to see good thing color and sound . nothing else , i don't even think i can try it at home even if you put it here all straight .! its hard happy new year Georgia Hilton

James Holzrichter

You should charge a fee for this class. :) wow that's a ton of work right there.

Georgia Hilton

I'm teaching a seminar in Feb in NYC called the "Film Makers Road Map" i'm going to chat on making a film from idea to delivery... this is one of the topics in "delivery" cheers geo

Bertrand Perrin
Je recherche les ayants droits de la série TV "Les Nouveaux Chevaliers du Ciel" 1988..

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0167673/ Je peux les trouver de façon formelle par IDMB mais je souhaite un contact humain direct ici..pour discuter d'une diffusion à des fans sur internet, sans intermédiaire, de tous les épisodes sans les coûts de distribution DVD...ou de licencing VOD.. Si vous avez d...

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J. Alberto Leyes

Bienvenue Bertrand , j'adore Lion et... !!! Brasserie Georges !!!

Bertrand Perrin

;-) Chicago always made me dream! Wikipedia : " The name "Chicago" is derived from a French rendering of the Native American word shikaakwa, translated as "wild onion" or "wild garlic", from the Miami...

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Luis R. Quintero

If you could pick ONE person to mentor you ...who would it be?

Shellie Schmals

Tim Bragg - I adore Alan Alda! He also grew up surrounded by vaudeville & burlesque, his mom was a dancer!

Tim Bragg

I love Vaudeville. I love George Burns and Gracie Allen. I did a few years ago a four page short tribute to Vaudeville, nobody liked it.

Gerri Garrick

Responding many years too late Luis R. Quintero but I'd choose Nia Vardalos. She's the reason I wrote my first screenplay and I'd love to star in my own uplifting comedies as she has as well!...

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Tim Bragg

Some of my favourite comedians started in Vaudeville or radio. I relate to Jack Benny because our personalities are similar and our comedy style are very much alike and he has a certain sarcasm that I also have.

Adam C. Fisk

I know it's probably cliche, but I'd have to say Spielberg. The guy has been my top film and storytelling influence literally since I was a kid.

Adriana Li Mandri
Seeking some help

Hey guys, I'm on the hunt for music for my new movie Tonic- set to be released in the Spring. Only downside is that I'm looking for someone who would offer to do it for free seeing how this is a Student Film and therefore zero to no money. Although once fundraising is underway I would want to give t...

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Jeff Waweru

http://rightclearing.com is a very good place to start. It is designed for this kind of thing. You are likely to get a very good tune for a very good price.

Fakaza Afronewsng

Welcome to VAOTAS.COM, your one-stop destination for good and amazing music! At VAOTAS, We are more than just a website; we are a community of passionate music enthusiasts, eager to share our love for...

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Max Boyce
...in my pants

Name the title of a movie followed by IN MY PANTS. King Kong in my pants. When Harry met Sally in my pants. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in my pants. Fast and Furious in my pants.

Jake Mertz

Top Gun in my pants. The Matrix in my pants. Star Trek in my pants. First Contact in my pants. Saving Private Ryan in my pants. Twilight in my pants. Paranormal Activity in my pants. The Fellowship of...

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Daryl Powell

The Dark Knight Rises in my pants, Body Heat in my pants, As Good as it Gets in my pants, Finding Forrester in my pants, Bill and Ted's Excellent adventure in my pants, True Romance in my pants, What Women Want in my pants

Alex Sarris

The Blob, in my pants.

Daryl Powell

Enter the Dragon in my pants. Live Free or Die Hard in my pants. Do the Right Thing in my pants

Scott Goldberg

Hi J. Albero, Just wanted to say thanks for connecting with me. I am a film scorer and have done so for Lionsgate films and for animated videos where I am music supervisor and Foley artist for "Vision...

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J. Alberto Leyes
Standardization mediocritizes the craft:

I understand that certain parameters should be kept in place for a successful script to have the right flow, pace and cohesion, but don’t you think that the so-called gurus of screenwriting have gotten too dense--almost suffocating and, what’s worse, too influential. Where are the fresh voices that...

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Rosalind Brown

J someone need to give the youth a voice www.soundcloud.com/megaproduction

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