Lily Blaze

Lily Blaze


Winnipeg, Canada

Member Since:
November 2019
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Lily

I never planned on becoming a writer, and yet, here I am.

I've lived in four cities, been all over North America, worked as a computer graphic designer for years, and I've been a visual artist all my life. In 2003, I was struck by chronic illness.

Things happen. Plans change. My whole life changed.

I started, tentatively, writing in 2003. In 2019, I decided to commit to screenwriting. Why? The format allows me to express my ideas, experience, and skills, all in one document, without interference from my disability. I'm disabled. But my art has no limits.




  • Aurora Award nominee for best artist


  • Multimedia Institute (Winnipeg)

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