NYU Tish Grad...writing for stage and screen...Directed and Developed two Improv. Companies...currently pitching four projects..."New Katt City"..(an animated, hip-hop fantasy), "Zone 3 Exchange" (low budget sci-fi thriller) "Orbits Bound" (high budget sci-fi thriller), "First Base" (low budget drama)...I really enjoy the collaborative process and possess an interest in creating projects dealing with the future aspirations of young people.
NEW KATT CITY Animation ⋄ Fantasy Sheltered feline pedigree accused of arson grapples with issues of identity and loss of family as she struggles to survive in urban jungle.
ZONE 3 EXCHANGE Sci-fi ⋄ Thriller The last African-Am inner city family in the year 2035 lives in hiding from authorities while being protected by cyborg white child.