Natalia Borja: Actor, theatre director and casting assistant in Dallas, Texas.

Gwyn Gilliss

Hey Natalia,

We're seeking actors for our International Actors Summit in August, and check out the Monologue-Challenge to WIN a scholarship!!

Hope you win!



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Natalia Borja

Hi, I'm back and updating this page.

Natalia Borja

Happy Valentine's Day from The County, y'all!!!! :)

Natalia Borja

So Dallas has been treating me very well! Got an awesome day job making coffee, auditioning as much as I can for theatre/film/tv. Have a webseries in the works and am still able to hold down an wonderful life! Oh yeah, and I was invited to go on a podcast with Dewey Taylor! Check it out!!! https://w...

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Natalia Borja

Dallas has treated me way better than I could ever have imagined! Webseries. Murder Mystery. Original play debuting in January. Life is great.

Natalia Borja

Making the move to Dallas pretty soon! Also worked on the Duvall film that was down here in the valley. Ready for the last half of 2012!!!

Jason R. Johnston

Hey, Natalia. Nice to see you.

Jason R. Johnston

Sounds like a plan. Do you ever get to Edinburg?

Natalia Borja

No, I don't - but if the need be I can!

Jason R. Johnston

Good to know!

Natalia Borja

Anyone know where I can find a website that shows me how to make a good reel?

Jason R. Johnston

Just keep it under 5 minutes (3 is better); get your absolute best work at the front; don't use annoying music; don't forget your contact info.

Natalia Borja

Hey Melvin! nice to meet you - let me know if you start work on any projects - i'd love to get involved!

Melvin Johnson

I'm pretty much always working on something. Not sure if there'll be anything done in the RGV, but of course I'd let you know. I see your credits, but do you have a demo reel yet?

Richard "RB" Botto

Hey Natalia, we recently added the ability for users to subscribe to Lounge topics. To get you started, we've automatically subscribed you to the production topic. You can see the latest posts in your subscribed topics by clicking the My Lounge subscriptions tab on your wall. You can easily add and update Lounge subscriptions by clicking Manage my subscriptions from the same page. Enjoy!

Natalia Borja

How hard would it be to just move to Europe and start up a film career working in whichever area needed?

Natalia Borja

Hey Rosio! You still living in the valley? If you know of anything going on, let me know! I'd love to get involved with some stuff down here.

Richard "RB" Botto

Hey Natalia, I'm excited to announce our new Stage 32 Lounge, a major upgrade to the previous Discussions area. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Subscriptions - Subscribe to your favorite topics and stay up to date on the subjects that matter to you most.
  • My Discussions - Never lose track of discussions you created or commented on.
  • Better topics - We've completely reorganized the discussion topics to make it much easier to browse and post discussions.
You can get to the lounge any time by clicking the Lounge link at the top of the page. Also, check out the new My discussions and My subscript Expand post

System Admin

Hey Natalia, a few days ago we implemented a new privacy setting to give you the option of accepting private messages only from users within your network. Today, I discovered a bug with the way this option is set for new users. I just wanted to let you know that the bug is now fixed, so all members are now able to receive private messages from any other member (the default setting). If you'd like to receive private messages only from users within your network, you can change this setting here. Also, you can access your privacy settings at any time from the drop-down menu that appears when you...

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System Admin

Hey Natalia, a few days ago we implemented a new privacy setting to give you the option of accepting private messages only from users within your network. Today, I discovered a bug with the way this option is set for new users. I just wanted to let you know that the bug is now fixed, so all members are now able to receive private messages from any other member (the default setting). If you'd like to receive private messages only from users within your network, you can change this setting here. Also, you can access your privacy settings at any time from the drop-down menu that appears when you...

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Natalia Borja

Resolution #1: Read Eli Wallach's autobiography before January is over.

Natalia Borja

El Arte es lo que puedes hacer sin verguenza.

Richard "RB" Botto

Hi Natalia, we've just added a new section to your tool bar - Resources. Here you'll find links to the best acting, filmmaking, and screenwriting resources as well as a comprehensive list of film schools and film festivals. We'll be adding new categories and links regularly. One more thing, you can now find the "Messages" link in your sidebar right under your name. Enjoy!

Richard "RB" Botto

Hi Natalia, we've just released a pretty big update that I think you'll be excited about. You can now see posts and updates by everyone in your network right on your own wall. Happy networking!

Natalia's Latest Lounge Posts

This user has not yet taken part in any lounge discussions.

Natalia's network

Nathan Ducker
Gloria Callahan
Malcolm X. Johnson
Danny Desireé
David Torres
Laura Styrka
Dean Wendt
Bubba Kadane
Elena Harding
Carol Dunitz
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