A couple are given an unexpected gift - the man that terrorized them years ago is now restrained in their basement. What will they do?
Why are they Happy? They contributed to Rock and a Hard Place on Indiegogo. Be happy. Contribute. http://igg.me/at/RAAHP/x/131616
My name is Ian O'Neill and I'm an award winning writer and filmmaker. I wrote this riveting crime drama, Rock and a Hard Place and will be directing it. A couple are given a strange gift; the man who terrorized them in a home invasion years ago is now tied up in their basement.
I'm Ian, the writer/director of the short film 'Rock and a Hard Place'. Please help us make this film happen by contributing to our Indiegogo crowdfunding ca...
My segment on the Mountsberg Conservation Area for the PBS show Our Town: Burlington. 3-1/2 minutes.
:60 second commercial for L.A. Candy Bar, a candy store in Burlington, Ontario, Canada.
My :30 second spot for L.A. Candy Bar, a candy store in Burlington, Ontario, Canada.
People aren't just turning 50, they're turning Zombie!