Originally from Michigan, Sara F. Hathaway has based her professional career around business management and her artistic one around the crafting an epic, post apocalyptic novel series, based on rapid climate change and the ability of society to cope with a rapidly altering planet. The Changing Earth Series follows a female heroin through many adventures as she struggles to maintain her love, family and moral values that built the United States of America. Sara also hosts the Changing Earth Podcast, showcasing the novels and performs all her own voice over work for the novel series audio books. The breathtaking dramas that unfold in the novels come to life in the TV series pilot that is ready for the screen.
Fundamentals Of Budget Creation
Call Sheets
Crew Agreements
Production Scheduling
The Changing Earth Audio Drama
Writer, producer, Vocal Performer Follow the journey of Erika Moore, Major Cole Virgis, and bounty hunter TJ Swenson as they are thrust into a world torn apart by a series of natural disasters.