Andrew Jay

Andrew Jay

Screenplay Gurus
Story Analyst

New York City, New York

Member Since:
April 2020
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Andrew

Owner, Screenplay Gurus

Jerry Robbins
Screenplay Gurus. Notes AND script mark up. I've used them many times, incredible detail.

GURU [goo r-oo, goo-roo] noun
an intellectual guide
a person who counsels or advises; mentor
a leader in a particular field

Screenplay Gurus delivers constructive, insightful script Notes to assist writers, producers, talent, and filmmakers improve scripts prior to submitting them for consideration or development.

We use an easy-to-understand 11 Point Scoring Matrix to underscore what's good and what needs improvement.

Screenplay Gurus’ feedback is:
- Constructive Honesty - Even though you may not agree with it, following our guidance assures your material will improve. Our criticism underscores the script’s strengths as well.
- Specific - Details on how to improve the script.
- Fast - Speed never trumps quality. Your quality feedback arrives in five to ten days.

Notes vs Coverage

Coverage is a quick read with generic feedback, "I like this character. He's funny." Anyone can provide Coverage. In fact, many do. Amateur Coverage Readers are at the bottom of the industry food chain, and only a small step up from useless, blind-leading-the-blind peer reviews.

Coverage is a popularity contest that does not help the writer improve their script. Coverage inflates a writer's sense of the script's worth or crushes them with unmotivated negativity. And neither includes recommendations for improvement nor page-by-page red marker annotations.

Notes are an in-depth read by an industry professional Reader vested in your success. Notes are specific and focus on story successes and failures, and how to fix the script. "This character, while quite funny, has no goal. Their arc is flat and they have no obstacles to overcome. Here's how to fix it."

The Screenplay Gurus' Readers have developed scripts both for sale and production. Their scripts have won contests and been produced.

Our Readers pore over every word and red mark the entire script for typos, formatting, and story issues. Following our Notes raises the level of your script and fully prepares it for a highly competitive market.

Don't get covered, get Notes.





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