Member Since:
April 2020
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> 2 weeks ago
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About Nicolas

I started to make movies when I was 12 years old with a handycam my mother bought me. It was a revelation, because it was the first time I put some images on my words, on my feelings. I made some movies with my neighborhood friends and created with them a non-profit organization at 17 years old, in 2007. After a literary bachelor with cinema option, I followed a license in Cinema at Nice (French Riviera) and I came up through the ranks working for television, feature lengths and commercials as assistant director. But I really wanted to make my own movies. I continued to write projects and directed some of them like "Now Air" in 2013, until I created my own company Emblem Production (), in 2015. I directed corporate films, commercials and music videos for clients, wanting to produce short movies with profits. In 2019, I decided to write and direct a new short movie, Wilderness, based on true event produced by Emblem Pictures and Bamboo Lab. Wilderness started its festival life and already won some great awards : Best Movie, Fan Award, Best Editing and Honorable Mention.
Writer of four feature films, I would like now to meet producers.





  • The Brights (French Title : "Stryge")

    The Brights (French Title : "Stryge") Budget: $1M - $5M | Horror Fantasy After the invasion of a new kind of predators having destroyed their world, a couple of survivors meets a teenager and her grand-father in a farm, who found a way to distract the creatures. Together they fight against this danger but it is not the only one threat.



  • BEST DRAMA for "Wilderness" - MovieScreenPro Film Festival (USA)

  • FAN AWARD for "Wilderness" - MovieScreenPro Film Festival (USA)

  • BEST EDITING for "Wilderness" - 12th Months Film Festival (Romania)

  • HONORABLE MENTION for "Wilderness" - Los Angeles Film Awards

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