Jeffrey Poehlmann's Lounge Discussions

René S. Garcia, Jr.
Feedback from Screenwriting Competitions: Bad notes? Or am I overly defensive?

I've only entered a couple of screenwriting competitions, so I can't tell if I'm getting bad notes or sound advice. Basically, I felt like the reader already had a preconceived notion of how my story should be told rather than evenly digest what I had written. I can appreciate the three-act structur...

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Serita Stevens

The Torah says we can learn from everyone which is wht I continue to take classes even though I'm multiple times published and produced. Which is why when I get feedback I have to ask myself what is i...

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Laurie Ashbourne

In the example of AFF, (and it applies to the handful of top-tier competitions that are respected) they have a very well thought out process to make sure that all scripts get a fair read and they are...

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Doug Nelson

Yeah Howard, you’re rambling a bit but you’ve touched on some really important issues. I venture that all the more prestigious screenwriting contests each receive thousands of scripts of which the vas...

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Doug Nelson

All true Ben. As I re-read scripts I wrote a decade ago, it amazes me that I turned out so much junk and I’ve produced a couple of films that are so bad, they’ll never be seen by others – yeah, that’s...

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B.V Jottsonne

Some readers actually offer a good analysis , and some others just seem to be going through the motions and repeating a lot of writing workshop clichés and buzzwords. The contests that offer notes hav...

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