The Colour of Boiled Shite Drama A concerned mother turns to her sister for help with her worsening financial situation, but will the solution she offers do more harm than good?
The Full Box Set Drama Having lost everything, Kenny Halford decides it’s time for a career change. But will he crack it as a music promoter and band manager? Or will his adventure into the business bring something much more important? Off beat, comedy drama set in Liverpool’s Georgian Quarter.
En Passant Drama A young carer, desperate to live the life of his friends, finds caring for his Mum gradually eats away at his freedom. When he discovers his unique talent at Chess, some order and purpose returns to his chaotic life. He discovers that in order to progress through the ranks of the Chess world, he not only has his individual opponents to beat, but the might of the class system too.
Rash Drama Rash is an understated, rite of passage film set in modern day Wales. ALEC BLACKWELL (20’s) a streetwise, quick-witted chancer misses his coach home from a music festival in Dolgellau. Penniless and stranded, he sets about earning the cash he needs to return home. But, in his desperate endeavour to do so, is all that he is searching for in life right where he has been left?