AJ (Adam) has always been fascinated with telling stories. At a young age he figured out how he wanted to tell them. Film. Like most film makers, AJ started by writing his own short films then having his friends star in them. As high school came he saw the world of film start to open up as he worked hard to win in the "Utah High School Film Festival". He won several awards including 1st place in the short film category and was ready to face the real world of film. He spent two years of full time voluntary service at the LDS Motion Picture Studio in Provo, Utah where he connected with producers, actors, directors and many other talented individuals involved with film. He gained experience as a co-producer, writer, PA, Special Effects Assistant, Grip and in other positions at the studio while continuing to work on his own person projects. AJ recently completed a four year film degree at Utah Valley University, during which time he completed multiple short films, many short screenplays and eight feature length screenplays. He also became a certified story editor in "Frank Daniel Methodology" and continues to offer his services. AJ continues to write features and direct shorts. He looks forward to the day when he will direct his first feature length film in the near future.
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