Keith Simmons's Lounge Discussions

Keith Simmons
Introduce yourself

How do we do ladies and gentlemen?

I'm Keith, new to screenwriting but not new to writing.

I hope we connect and take over Netflix together ❤

John Mitch

great to meet you

Keith Simmons

hello everyone I'm Keith I'm a self published author and I've done a short script.

Jason Mirch

Hey Keith Simmons! Great to have you here my friend! Congratulations on your self-publication and your short script. I am sure there are a lot of great things ahead for you. I am the Director of Scrip...

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Keith Simmons
Screenwriter and Author

hello wonderful people it's Keith!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Keith Simmons! My name is Kay, I'm the Community Manager here at Stage 32. Nice to meet you and welcome to the community! If you'd like to learn more about myself and the Stage32 Team, we have an...

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Keith Simmons

Hi everyone! Happy 2021, let us knock out 1 page per day.

Ronika Merl

Good plan! I always find, especially when I have writer's block, that making just a small contribution really does add up, and makes you feel like you've accomplished something. Even if it's just one page, or one scene, or one dialog.

Keith Simmons


Keith Simmons

Hey Aray nice to meet you :) let's connect!

Keith Simmons

I'm working on two features, a TV pilot, and a short.

Keith Simmons

I meant 3 features.

Shanay Russell
Writer, Director, Therapist

Hi Everybody! I actually joined Stage 32 last year and never actually gave it my best shot. So, here I am taking another stab at it. Instead of boring you all about my story and what I do, I'll just leave you with 5 fun facts about myself.

1. I'm a Writer/Director and I've also been a Marriage and Fa...

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Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Shanay Russell! My name is Kay, I'm the Community Manager here at Stage32. Nice to meet you! Ooo, I love playing "getting to know you" games!

1) I was a Massage Therapist for 14 years, it's what p...

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Karen "Kay" Ross

Also, Shanay Russell - WHERE CAN I GET THAT SHIRT?!

Shanay Russell

Hi Karen! Great to meet you! Massage Therapist? Thats soooo much fun! I've been in LA for about three years and I still haven't really done much. Hopefully, once Quarantine is over I will spend more t...

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Wayne Jarman

Hello, Shanay. That is a novel and interesting intro. Well done!

Laurie Gabriel

How is it living in L.A.?

Keith Simmons

Hello all geniuses thank you for having me.

It's time to write then expand.

Wayne Jarman

Welcome, Keith. All the best!

Keith Simmons


Erick Freitas


Stefano Pavone

Welcome to the club. :)

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